Common Diseases in Winter Diseases

Winter brings its own joy. This is the season of food lovers. People love to eat hot dishes like Bajra roti, Makki roti, Sarso Saag, hot pakoras, hot soups, Adhrak chai, strong coffee, etc. However, in winter the chances of getting affected by diseases increase significantly because of temperature variation in the atmosphere. The body makes an effort to adjust to the new climate. In this season, cold or cough is common. Some winter diseases take only 3 to 4 days and get cured by just a few precautions. On the other hand, some winter diseases require proper care and treatment.

Symptoms of many winter diseases are common. Hence, accurate diagnosis is important for treatment.


In the winter season, the air molecules become thinner and more restricted. Due to this, people find it difficult to breathe in extremely cold weather. This can cause inflammation in the lungs that triggers an asthma attack.


Heart Attack:

Heart attacks mostly occur during the winter season. Due to lower temperature, the arteries get constricted which makes difficult for the heart to pump the blood. People over the age of 30 should regularly get tested for lipid profile, particularly if there is a family history of heart diseases.


Cold and Cough: 

In the winter season, our immunity gets reduced due to climate change. Hence, viruses easily affect our respiratory system. Cold and cough are common in the winter season. The symptoms are sore throat, running nose, blocked nose, and cough.



Winter season is a flu season. The symptoms of flu are similar to cold and cough but also include fever, headache, and muscle stiffness. Flu should not be taken lightly because normal flu can take a dangerous form. Instead of relying on home remedies, a person must visit a doctor.


Joint Pain:

The winter season is brutal for people who have arthritis. Old age people mostly complain about joint pain in winter. People with bone or muscle injuries also feel pain during winter. Consult with your doctor if the pain continues for a long time.


Dry and Itchy Skin:

In the winter season, skin becomes dry, rough and itchy due to cold weather. If your skin is extremely dry then you must visit the doctor to know the exact cause of the problem.


Some Common Prevention Tips for Winter Diseases

If you are suffering from cold then instead of using fabric handkerchiefs you should use disposable tissues. It will help to avoid infection.

Always cover your face and ears by helmet or scarves when riding two-wheelers.

Gargle with one glass warm water with light salt every morning to prevent cough and throat infection.

Drink warm fluids and avoid eating too much in winter.

Shield yourself with scarf, muffler, gloves, socks, and shoes whenever you go outside in windy days to prevent cold and flu.

Daily exercise keeps the body flexible and prevents body pain.

Avoid going outside in the extreme cold.

Apply coconut, olive or almond oil to keep skin moisturized.

Use warm water instead of hot water for a bath to avoid skin dryness.

Stay away from people who are ill.

People with long-term health conditions should not take cold and flu for granted because those people are a major risk of developing critical diseases. Hence, they should go for routine health checkups twice a year.


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