In the current situation, where the vaccine or drug for coronavirus disease is still not approved, the disease has become a major threat globally. We are regularly hearing reports of new cases of coronavirus being detected at various places. This disease is spreading rapidly in many places in India. The transmission rate of this disease is also very high. This disease is affecting everyone, irrespective of age, gender, social class, etc. Recently, we heard the news that the famous Bollywood celebrity ‘Amitabh Bachchan’ also tested corona positive. The only way to stay safe in this pandemic is to strictly follow the medical guidelines. Currently, medical experts are also talking about plasma therapy for coronavirus treatment. In this blog, we will talk about plasma therapy, its safety, and how effective it is for coronavirus treatment.

What Is Plasma

Our blood contains solid and liquid components. The solid components are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The golden (light yellow) color liquid component is blood plasma. The blood plasma contains antibodies, water, enzymes, and other proteins. Plasma performs important body functions like blood clotting, fighting diseases, maintaining blood pressure, and maintaining the pH balance of the body.

Plasma Donation:

It is a lifesaving process. In plasma donation, the liquid portion of the donor’s blood is separated from the cells. The donated plasma can be stored for up to 1 year and can also be given to the needy patient for recovery from coronavirus disease. People who have recovered from coronavirus infections have developed antibodies in their blood. This antibody can help others to fight diseases.

How Does Plasma Therapy Work? Is It Safe

Plasma therapy is not a new method. It has been used previously to treat various diseases. Plasma therapy is also very safe and effective. People whose plasma is rich in antibodies can donate their plasma to others for coronavirus treatment.

Plasma Therapy for Coronavirus Treatment

Plasma therapy is also very helpful for coronavirus patients who are not responding to other medicines or treatment methods. It is also helpful for people with chronic medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

The plasma also boosts the patient’s immunity to fight the disease. The plasma also helps with the quick recovery of the patient from coronavirus disease.

Who is Eligible to Donate Plasma? 

You must be curious to know the eligibility criteria for plasma donors. Everyone is not eligible to donate plasma. The donor must meet the following requirements:

  1. The donor should not suffer from any chronic or infectious disease.
  2. The hemoglobin level of the donor must be a minimum of 12.5 g/dL.
  3. Age should be between 18 – 60 years.
  4. Normal pulse rate between 50 to 100, no irregularity.
  5. The donor must pass the medical examination.
  6. No tattoo or piercing in the last 6 months.
  7. Blood pressure should be normal.

Plasma Therapy in India for Coronavirus Patient

If you have suffered from coronavirus and recovered from it, then you should donate your blood plasma to help others. First, you should go for a medical examination to check whether you are eligible for plasma donation or not. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has also permitted the clinical treatment of coronavirus patients through plasma therapy.

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Coronavirus or COVID 19 has posed a huge threat to the world. Many people are getting affected by COVID.

In this blog I am sharing important information you should know about coronavirus and also 6 powerful ways to increase self immunity to fight with coronavirus.

Coronavirus is an RNA type of virus. The virus mainly affects the respiratory system. It weakens the immune system. The common symptoms of coronavirus disease are fever, shortness of breath, dry cough, fatigue, body ache, sore throat, and diarrhea. The life of corona is different on different surfaces like Metal (5 days), Wood (4 days), plastic (2 to 3 days), Cardboard (24 hours), Copper (4 hours), Glass (up to 5 days), paper (up to 5 days), ceramic (5 days), and aluminum (2 to 8 hours).

Risk of Coronavirus

Research says that people who are already suffering from diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular and respiratory disease have a higher risk of coronavirus. People can protect themselves from coronavirus by increasing their self-immunity.

Role of Self immunity

Our body has a natural immune system that protects us from diseases.  In the current time, where the medicine or vaccine for coronavirus is not detected yet, strong self immunity is very important to fight this disease. Generally, immunity gets decreased as we grow older but due to a sedentary lifestyle the immunity also gets decreased at a young age. We easily get affected by diseases if our immunity is not good. You can apply these easy methods to increase self-immunity.

6 Ways to Increase Self Immunity

These things will not only prevent coronavirus but also help to prevent other diseases. Make sure you apply these tips and get protection from COVID

Important Points – Before we start the tips to increase self immunity, you must follow these things.

Nutrition Rich Diet

Our diet has a strong impact on our self immunity. A nutrition-rich diet gives the essential vitamins and minerals to our body. You should add immunity-supporting food like citrus fruits, garlic, tomato, ginger, apple, broccoli, cabbage, leafy vegetables, etc. in your diet. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B are very important to increase the immunity of the body.

Regular Exercise

Exercise helps to keep toxins out of your body through sweat. Make sure you do basic exercise regularly. Exercise makes the body flexible and increases blood circulation. Regular exercise reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. 30 minutes walk is essential to maintain good health.

Stay Hydrated 

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Hydration lowers the chances of flu. Water helps the immune system to work at full force. It removes the toxins out of the body and makes you healthy.

Avoid Smoking and Drinking Alcohol

Smoking affects the lungs and weakens the respiratory system. A person with a weak respiratory system has a higher chance of getting affected by a coronavirus. Excessive alcohol consumption is injurious to health. It causes dehydration in the body and leads to pneumonia. Leave these habits and increase self immunity.

Proper Sleep

Poor sleep also adversely affects T cells that are responsible for fighting off diseases. Poor sleep makes the body tired and decreases brain activity. You should get 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily. Proper sleep also keeps your mind active and your body energetic.

Reduce Stress

Stress is bad for the immune system. When we are stressed out then our body also produces stress hormone that is harmful to our body. You can also manage your stress by doing meditation, yoga, and listening to relaxing music. Regular meditation also helps you to manage stress and keeps you relaxed.


In the current situation when there is no sure shot treatment for COVID discovered yet, self immunity is also the only way to get protection. These tips will not give protection from coronavirus but also prevent other diseases. If you are experiencing the symptoms of coronavirus, then you should consult the doctor. You should not self-diagnose and go to the testing facility. Currently, COVID testing is available in government hospitals and in some private centers.

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